
更新时间:2015-11-26 来源:留学生招聘 点击:





1, Identify learning outcomes. This sounds like stating the obvious—you’re supposed to learn the material in the book, right?


But in reality, the answer is not so obvious. Your learning outcome will be different from one class to another.


For example, in math class, it is obvious that you will learn steps for solving problems, but the real learning outcome is that you understand the meaning of the steps.You must understand they why of everything you do to solve an equation, although this can happen after you"ve practiced and memorized the steps. If you don’t, you will not be able to answer problems that are slightly different from those you’ve practiced.


Every teacher has learning outcomes in mind when he or she designs the class. You will probably find the expected outcomes listed on your class syllabus. If you can’t find them this way, then simply ask the instructor.


2. Read to understand. How long does it take you to read an entire textbook chapter? When you read to understand, it should take you a few days! Don’t worry, you don’t have to spend an entire two days reading.


When you read a textbook chapter, you should preview the material and observe topics and subtopics. If you are very intentional about this, it will provide a framework for the information you’ll read.


As you read the chapter, be sure to notice and look up any words you can’t define on your own.


Stop after each paragraph or page and close your eyes. Summarize what you’ve read in your mind. If you can’t, go back and review until you can summarize.


A day after you’ve read the chapter, go back and review. Any time you revisit information you’ve taken in, it makes the information sink in further.


3. Test yourself. Practice tests are the best tools for determining whether you’ve learned information or you’ve merely memorized steps and definitions. But your practice test must be challenging.


Team up with a study partner and challenge each other with practice exams. What if a study partner isn"t an option? You can still test yourself.


In a class with lots of terms and definitions to learn, use a stack of flashcards to begin the process of memorizing the definitions. Then, (once you have memorized them all) choose two random terms and see if you can describe how they are related to each other. It"s a kind of do-it-yourself essay question.


4. Teach others. One of the best ways to turn a memorized fact into a learned fact is to teach others. This activity also requires that you team up with one or more students in your class. Put a study group together and assign topics from your study guide or chapter questions. Then have each student take a turn to teach the others.







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英语资源网权威发布英语学习:美国学生的写作套路,更多英语学习相关信息请访问英语资源网。【导语】可能你有注意过,任何一门课都可能出现写作任务。每次写作你都可以采用下面提供的框架。下面是整理发布的英语学习:美国学生的写作套路,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注! Introduction 导言 The i

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